《學。走下去》音樂專輯,為202202製作發行,包含小豬創作的信仰歌曲,包括:”信靠”、”別再迷失,回到父家”、”引我更親近你”、”人生不過轉眼之間”、”Clap Your Hands”、”主,你記念愛你、服事你的人”、”生命需要方向”、”接觸主自己,吸取主自己”,及器樂曲及管弦合唱曲:”寫給長笛和鋼琴的短曲第三首”、”隨想曲No.1”、”隨想曲No.2”、”耶穌降生”,共十三首。於市集販售限定,一片30元。
(“Learning and Going" music album, produced and released for 202202, contains belief songs created by Piggy, including: “Trust in You", "Don't be Lost, and Return Father's Home", "Drawing Me Close to You More", "Life is Passed by Quickly" ", "Clap Your Hands", "Lord, Remember a Servant", "Life Needs a Direction", “Touching and Breathing the Lord Himself", and instrumental and orchestral chorus: "Short Piece for Flute and Piano No.3”, “Casual Music for Orchestra No.1", “Casual Music for Orchestra No.2", "Jesus was Born", a total of thirteen pieces. Only available at the market, 30 NT dollars per piece.
At this time when the pneumonia epidemic and the war are everywhere, we all need to learn how to continue to walk in such a difficult environment. May the Lord bless us.
Note: CD only contains music files and content introduction, not song lyrics.
Now (20230404) can also be found in the "Martetplace" of Facebook! A piece costs 300 NTD. Interested friends are welcome to refer to and purchase.)